Kids Cats & Knitted Hats

This is my little spot to share the things I'm learning to do with my knitting looms.

Friday, September 22, 2006

Secret Pal - First Package

It's been forever since my last post. My best friend's mom had a stroke in mid-August and passed away after two weeks in the hospital. I was at the hospital with her pretty much every day during that two weeks, and I've started working part time, so I'm behind on a lot of things.

Instead of cramming it all into one post, I'll write several smaller posts to get a little more up to date.

First, I participated in a few really cool loom knitting exchanges.

The first was a secret pal exchange through the KKEXnMore group. We sent two packages to our secret pal; the first was sent August 15 and the second was sent September 15.

Take a look at what my secret pal sent me in August!

All kinds of goodies -- a fabulous tote bag with a knitting kitty on it (two of my passions), some really cute note cards, an address book, some cotton yarn for making more dishcloths, yuuuuummmmy Dove chocolates (not pictured because they were long gone when this picture was taken), a cat note book, a Sudoku book and electronic game, Altoids . . . what a great surprise! Thanks Secret Pal!

Here's a close up of the kitty tote. I carried it with me every time I went to the hospital to visit my friend's mom, and everyone who knows me said it was perfect for me -- two things I love are kitties and knitting! LOL


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